Saturday, November 27, 2010

DIY Mole Control-You Really Can Do This Yourself!

Looking out at your yard or property with all those mounds of dirt is really frustrating isn't it? Now who ever gave you the idea that DIY Mole Control was the best way to go? We did! It all depends on how you go about it though!

If you live in a rural area you may get a kick out of taking target practice when these little critters pop their little heads out of the ground. City dwellers might have some problems with the neighbors. Folks tend to get a little cranky when a load of buckshot or a bullet heads their way!

All kidding aside....DIY mole control is very important for a variety of reasons. If you decide to try and take care of the problem on your own it's best to know the right way to do it

Before getting to that it is probably better to discuss some of the common things people try and why they fail. One of them is poisons and chemicals.

You might be tempted to pour some of the products that you find on the market down into the tunnel. The picture that you see below is an actual depiction of what mole and/or gophers do underground.

Now let's stop and analyze this for a second. Do you honestly think that pouring a poison in a hole is going to nail these little boogers? You might get rid of a few of them but they are probably long gone by the time the chemicals saturate their tunnels.

Mole gopher control requires quite a bit of patience and persistence. It's hard to imagine but these creatures can push 32 times their body weight. They dig 100 yards of tunnels each and every day! Now you see why it's a little difficult to poison them sometimes.

The primary food source for moles is worms, grubs, ants and other small invertebrates in the soil. They can't stay in one place very long looking for food. If they go longer than 6 hours without food they begin to starve.

You might want to take a shot at poisoning their food supply but that is very expensive if don't know what you are doing.
organic gopher control is a better option for many folks.

Just keep in mind that no matter what you do it's probably going to be a little expensive and time consuming.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mole Trap Instructions-What You Need To Know

With the plethora of commercial traps available why would anyone even consider using mole trap instructions to build your own? Is this even something you can do on your own?

Many homeowners have moles and gophers that are constantly throwing dirt in mounds all over the yard or their property. Farmers and ranchers certainly don't enjoy dealing with the problem.

While moles have a right to exist they can be very destructive. Consider this....the average mole can tunnel at a rate of 1 foot per minute.During the average day, they will construct 100 yards of tunnels. Can you imagine the destruction involved?

That's why mole trap instructionscome in so handy. It takes a lot of traps to keep with them.

That's also why so many of the products out there to get rid of moles are ineffective. Pouring chemicals down a hole is like pouring money down the drain. By the time you get around to getting enough poison in their tunnels the critters have already moved on.

Another home remedy that many people try is using castor oil and dumping it in their burrows. Once again, this is silly because the moles aren't even there anymore.

The only thing that actually works is failproof mole traps. There are about 50 or 60 different models to pick from on the market. Some are effective. The others aren't.

The biggest problem with traps that you buy is the cost involved. You can imagine how expensive it gets when you are chasing moles all over the place with more traps.

Getting back to the poisons that are available what are some of the concerns with them? In many states the chemicals are banned. You can't even use them or buy them.

They are extremely hazardous to your health if you don't know what you are doing. Since your skin absorbs things so quickly even a little poison on your hands can quickly get into your bloodstream.

The manufacturers claim that the products are safe. Would you trust them? Not me...

When trying to get rid of these critters the only safe and inexpensive way to do is with organic gopher control (traps). It does take a lot of persistence but you can get rid of them over time.

Just remember that they reproduce very quickly (much like rats). The alternative is to wait around for them to completely destroy your property.